Sponsor the Race to Value podcast!

Get in front of our growing audience of senior-level decisionmakers transforming their organizations to thrive in a value-based health economy.

Sponsoring the Race to Value podcast goes well beyond branding opportunities. These can include:

  • Co-hosting
  • Thought leadership
  • Lead generation
  • Branded case study
  • Membership networking within our learning collaborative

Please contact Eric Weaver, eric.weaver@wgu.edu to learn more.


Do you have leadership insights in value-based care, population health management, or health equity?

Race to Value is the leading podcast in the health value economy.  We showcase high-performing healthcare organizations (ACOs, DCEs, and other risk-bearing entities) that are exemplars in delivering patient-centered, outcomes-based care.  In addition to interviewing executives and clinicians on the frontlines of value-based care transformation, we also interview health policy experts, entrepreneurs, researchers, book authors, and other accomplished industry leaders.

Please contact Dr. Eric Weaver, eric.weaver@wgu.edu to submit a request to be interviewed on our show.